As an extension to the well–known RedBull brand I aimed to stay true to the feel of the parent brand without simply mimicking it. I wanted the design to speak to the fact that the product is unisex and, therefore, designed it to appeal to both sexes. RedBull, as an energy drink, stands out and is instantly recognizable in a virtual sea of similar products and it was that powerful shelf presence that I wanted to bring to my design of the brand extension. The streamlined design speaks to an elegant and pure product while the package design is unique and creates this project’s shelf presence that I was aiming for. The in–store display is meant to convey a sense of movement through its shape and intrigue the eye as an overall structure. PROJECT OBJECTIVES Design a set of seven skincare products and an in–store display as a sub–brand of a marketed brand that is not known in the skincare category, while staying true to the brand’s core values.