After evaluating the current Faber–Castell packaging structure, I did not feel that the quality of the product was well represented by the simple tins that they packaged their exceptional pencils in. It may have been that at some point that there were not as many companies that chose to use the tins and so they stood out, but that is definitely no longer the case. From my research, tins are now quite common for colour pencil packaging. I also noticed that Faber–Castell had some well made packaging structures for their pencils that were sold in larger quantities. For this project I wanted to bring out the brands regality found in the larger pencil sets to the smaller sets, a well designed Eco–friendly packaging alternative without increasing the cost of the materials. I used boxes made out Loktah paper, a beautiful spin on Eco–friendly packaging with a high–end feel and look. I also wanted to accentuate the fact that it is a well established and trusted brand while updating the look a bit. I used images that accentuated the colours that can be found within each package. Rather than using the cliché colour pencil illustrations, I chose to use photographs for my designs to modernize the overall look of the packaging. PROJECT OBJECTIVES Design a new packaging structure for a set of 24 colour pencils to replace the current structure, that incorporates innovative ideas and uses minimal materials.